all you need is faith
We desire to be a community of believers, who treat others with the same extravagant grace that God has lavished upon us.We yearn to demonstrate this grace through our church culture and our lives in a way that is transparent, real, and helpful.
Pre-eminence of Jesus
While many things vie for priority in life, we are committed to centering our lives on our Lord.
Word Authority
We are committed to preaching, sharing and living by the sufficiency of the whole counsel of God.
We are broken people loved by the Father, redeemed by Jesus, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Biblical Unity
In our theological systems, personal relationships, we are committed to biblical unity in diversity.
Coming up events
Our church exists to ignite a passion to follow Jesus in the people of Indianapolis and the world. If this is your first time to visit our Church, here’s a brief description of what you can expect.
Make a Donation
Aid for Africa is a unique partnership of select nonprofit organizations,
all dedicated to solving the complex, inter-related challenges facing Sub Saharan Africa.
This special project supports our member charities that provide scholarships to girls and young women so they can go to school, stay in school, and succeed in life.
Whether we are distributing books to school children, introducing medical strategies to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS, supporting small businesses for women, our members are working to build a better future for Africa’s children, families, and communities.
Overall Progress
Raised: $25,711
Backers: 3796
Goal: $100,000

Welcome to Church of our Saviour
We aim to show our love for God in the love for our neighbour and our environment and to connect our spirituality, religious formation and daily lives with the promotion of justice and peace.
The Kiambiu Slums are home to over 100,000 people and children are believed to make up half of the population.
From donations raised during their visit, they built a bore hole, pumps and pipes which provide much needed water.
Run community education projects to raise awareness and sensitivity towards children’s rights